2019 Winner - Royal Bank of Canada
A long-time partner of the Saskatoon Open Door Society (SODS), RBC takes great pride in collaborating with, employing and supporting our newcomer communities. Throughout its vibrant 20-year relationship with SODS, RBC has not only provided funding support but has continued to show up in meaningful ways to contribute time, skills, and resources. From participating in career fairs and providing skill development through mock interviews, to serving as an enthusiastic advocate in its hiring, RBC gives back, inspired by the organization’s incredible work, its tireless employees, and the determination of newcomers. In addition to the many financial services it provides in direct support of Canada’s diverse newcomer communities, RBC believes it is critical to reflect the communities it serves by employing a diverse and inclusive workforce. The principle of “Diversity and Inclusion” is more than one of RBC’s shared corporate values, it is a cornerstone for innovation and foundational to RBC’s strength. RBC is grateful to SODS for the work it does to make our province a more diverse and dynamic place to live, work and play.