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Regular Seniors Programs

Newcomer seniors gather to form a supportive network, combating isolation, promoting health, and learning informal English language practice.

When: Tuesdays & Wednesdays every week.
Eligibility: Newcomer Seniors 55 years & over. Open to all newcomers. 

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Afghan Seniors Club

A program designed to specifically support and engage Afghan elders within the community by providing them with a safe and welcoming environment to connect, learn, and build a network of friends. Activities include: Afghan cultural activities, physical fitness, sessions on healthy aging, arts, crafts, events, and excursions.

When: Every 2nd Monday each month. From April 2024 – March 2025
Eligibility: Afghan Seniors 55 years & over

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Healthy Aging for Seniors Program

This program launched in November 2024, with a focus on Seniors’ physical activity, healthy aging, and social connection. We incorporate a variety of physical activity such as yoga, tai chi, group walking, and mini-golf as well as sessions on healthy aging, healthy diet, and trying new activities in the community.
